Wednesday, October 15, 2008


The other great God-thing from the broken clavicle experience was the fact that my first two packages from campus ministries arrived with Dawn just before we left to take Rusty to Waspam. Right in that moment full of fear and anxiety, I held in my hands my new Project impact Tshirt, all the Clocktowers and Ministry Matters, and, most importantly, the piece of paper signed by all my friends on registration day. It seemed that God had saved the arrival of that encouraging package until the moment when he knew I would need it most. I sat in the back of the truck wiping blood off of Rusty´s forehead every few minutes, reading the notes from my friends telling me to stay strong, that God was with me.

Never underestimate the power of those little notes CM is always asking you to write. They always bring me a huge blessing from God.

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